Very Tempting Veggies

Very Tempting Veggies

A great way to add bright color and lighter fare to any celebration. Choose your favorite veggies, cut them up and pipe them in with Herb Cheese Spread or choose another cheese spread recipe you love. Place on our Cupcakes 'N More Dessert Stand to serve.


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  1. Cut up tomatoes, carrots, zucchini, celery, and peppers, then fill with your favorite cheese spread using tip 21. Position on the Standard Cupcakes 'N More® Dessert Stand.* Garnish with dill or parsley if desired.
  2. *For added support when stacking stand with many servings, we recommend positioning acetate or cake circles, cut to fit, on each level. Place Doilies on top of acetate or cake circles.


How To
