Painted Buttercream Cake

Painted Buttercream Cake

You are an icing artist! Prove it with this impressionistic flower cake, painted with icing and the Color Right Performance Color System.
  • AmountCake serves 20.


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  1. Make layered cake.

    Bake and cool three 8 in. cake layers.

    Level, fill and stack cake on cake pedestal for 3-layer cake, 6 in. high. Use spatula and white icing to ice cake smooth. Use edge of spatula to create texture lines on cake.

  2. Paint flower.

    Use damp small dusting brush to mark cake where flower will be painted. Place about 1 cup of white icing on cake circle. Add 1 drop of red Color Right Color ("R") to icing and mix with brush to tint desired shade of pink.

    Use angled flat brush and pink icing to paint outer petals of flower in an oval shape. Clean brush as needed. Add another drop of red ("R") to remaining icing on board to make a darker shade of pink. Paint next row of petals as above. Add another drop of red and repeat for remaining row of petals.

  3. Paint highlights on petals.

    Use brush and brown Color Right Color ( "BR") to paint lines on petals.


How To
