Duck Pond Candy

Duck Pond Candy

Remember the carnival game where you picked a rubber duck out of a pond to win a prize? This treat is modeled after that game! Reveal the baby's gender at your celebration! Mark the bottom of one duck candy to indicate the baby's gender—guests have fun seeing who gets to reveal if baby is a boy or girl!
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Click to mark complete

  1. Melt yellow and orange candy following package directions. Mold ducks using \"painting\" method. Refrigerate until firm.
  2. Melt white candy following package directions. Mold bases: Fill mini muffin pan cavities 1/4 full with melted candy. For ONE base, add a small amount of blue or pink tinted melted candy to center, making sure it does not reach the edges of cavity. Refrigerate until firm. Remove candy from pan and attach ducks to bases using dots of melted white candy.
  3. Make banner: Outline banner on cardstock using pattern. Write message using marker. Cut out banner. Attach lollipop sticks to short ends of banner using transparent tape. Make banner bases: Fill two mini muffin pan cavities 3/4 full with melted white candy. Refrigerate until firm. Remove from pan and attach sticks to bases using melted white candy.


How To
