Perfectly Imperfect Freehand Cookies

Perfectly Imperfect Freehand Cookies

Patterns and prints drawn freehand are what to look for in 2016, and these cookies embody that one-of-a-kind look. The scalloped edge of the cookie picks up on the flowing black lines of royal icing piped on brilliantly colored royal icing backgrounds. Don't fret about "getting it right," the trend calls for perfectly imperfect designs.
  • Amount1 dozen


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  1. One day in advance bake cookies.
    Prepare cookie dough per recipe. Roll out and cut with crinkle side of “A” cut-out. Bake and cool.
  2. Prepare royal icing a day in advance.
    Tint stiff icing rose, yellow, violet and black. Fill three separate parchment bags with tip 3 and rose, yellow and violet icing. Reserve black icing for later use.
  3. Ice cookies.
    Outline cookies with tip 3 and tinted icing. Let set 10 minutes. Thin remaining tinted icing (NOT black) to flow-in consistency; place in parchment bags without tips. Cut small hole in tip of parchment bag; flow in same color as the outline on the cookies. Let dry 8-12 hours.
  4. Add design details.
    Make a parchment bag with tip 1; fill with slightly thinned black icing. Pipe random outline patterns on cookies. Add tip 1 dots to scallop edges of cookies.
  5. HINT: Experienced cookie decorators prefer the better control they can get using a parchment bag to pipe icing. We can show you how easy it is to make parchment bags. Still feeling intimidated? Disposable decorating bags can be substituted, if you prefer.


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