Pull-Apart Football Cake

Pull-Apart Football Cake

Kick your football party into high gear with this Pull-Apart Football Cake. Made using chocolate cupcakes, this cake requires no slicing and serving—simply pull off a cupcake and dive in. A fun sweet treat for viewing parties or tailgating, this football cake is sure to score you brownie points with your family and friends!


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  1. Bake cupcakes. Prepare cake batter following recipe instructions. Bake and cool 40 cupcakes in kraft cupcake liners (you may have extra cupcakes left over).
  2. Tint icing. Use Color Right base colors and QuickCount color formulas to tint icing in the following shade:

    • Autumn Brown = 4 cups white icing + 50B + 8C + 8R + 8O

    Tint 4 cups icing Autumn Brown. Reserve remaining icing white.

  3. Decorate cupcakes. On platter or foam board, arrange cupcakes in football shape, using marshmallows to fill in gaps.

    Prepare 16 in. decorating bag with tip 1M and Autumn Brown icing. If needed, pipe pull-out stars on marshmallows to bring to same level as cupcakes. Starting at one end of football shape, pipe zig-zag, covering all cupcakes until covered.

    Prepare 16 in. decorating bag with tip 789 and white icing. Holding bag with straight side of tip facing upwards, pipe vertical band on both ends of football.

    Prepare 12 in. decorating bag with tip 47 and remaining white icing. Holding bag with straight side of tip facing upwards, pipe two horizontal lines, about 6 in. long, in center of football. Pipe 7 to 8 vertical lines, about 1 in. long and 1 in. apart, over horizontal lines.


How To
